Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mother's Day Out

I'm sure the above title conjures up a totally different image than what my "Mother's Day Out" was. Many women drop their kids off for discounted childcare and run errands, do spring cleaning, etc. I remember the days that I wanted to catch a breath and remember what it was like to be an adult. Now, I long for days to catch a breath and remember what it was like to be a stay-at- home mom. Don't get me wrong. I'm home most of the time even now. But, I do work a full-time job from home. So, it gets interesting. And I miss playing with my kids.

So, today, we left home at 10AM, played at a friend's house, had a picnic lunch at the park, went to guitar lessons, went swimming with friends, and headed home for dinner with Daddy. I think everyone is a bit tired. 7.5 hours of running around would probably wear out anyone. Though, two of my kids are still up, reading in their beds. So, apparently, I am just getting old and tired!

Part of my "Mother's Day Out" was to play with my kids. Part of it was to allow Tom some free time to work on his latest writing project. I'd share an excerpt, but I haven't been granted permission...yet.

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