Our family knows a couple through our church, who are moving to Michigan. For fun, we met up with the wife yesterday and walked a nature trail at a local park. This isn't just any old nature trail, it's a birdwatching nature trail. It was beautiful. The path was paved, blackberries were ripe, and birds and butterflies were perched on branches overhead. If it hadn't been 91 degrees and full sun, it would have been perfect. But, since we have so little time until our friends move away, we forged ahead with our eyes on the prize...the wavepool at the end of our 3.5 mile walk!
The kids were really good sports. We packed lots of water and took turns drinking and splashing each other. Since little Audrey's legs are a fraction of the length of the rest of ours, she tired sooner. When Audrey is tired, she asks to ride up on Tom's shoulders. He doesn't mind. She's a lightweight. However, at the halfway mark, Audrey threw up...on Tom's head. I've heard of wacky cures for thinning hair, but I don't think that this is a valid treatment. Thankfully, it was a tiny amount and since there was so much sweat dripping from Tom's hair, we could wipe it away without a faucet or SHOWER nearby.
Although at the time we wondered if we'd actually make it to the wave pool, we did. And, there is nothing more glorious than submerging one's self in a huge pool of COLD water after an adventure like that! (And they had showers in the changing rooms for Tom's head!) The kids had a blast. They bobbed in the wave pool, splashed under some water mushrooms and zipped through mazes of water slides. It was particularly amusing to note the different reactions between our boy and our girls. The girls emerged from the slides with big smiles and quietly hurried to get back in line. Harrison screamed "AAAAWWWWEEESSSOOOMMMMEEEE!!!!!" all the way down the slides. He couldn't have been more delighted! Charissa and Harrison were even brave enough to go down the big slides...40 feet up! I don't know if their heart's dropped into their stomachs, but I know mine did watching them!
Well, I'm off to do some cookie baking and make a run to Home Depot for Tom. Oh...and I need to squeeze in about 2 more hours of work somewhere. I'm doing a kids' event in the morning for work, then gearing up for a playdate at our house that has become quite large. We're expecting between 12 and 20 children from 2 to 5 PM. We're going to have so much fun!!!
Until Next Time,
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