The kids were really good sports. We packed lots of water and took turns drinking and splashing each other. Since little Audrey's legs are a fraction of the length of the rest of ours, she tired sooner. When Audrey is tired, she asks to ride up on Tom's shoulders. He doesn't mind. She's a lightweight. However, at the halfway mark, Audrey threw up...on Tom's head. I've heard of wacky cures for thinning hair, but I don't think that this is a valid treatment. Thankfully, it was a tiny amount and since there was so much sweat dripping from Tom's hair, we could wipe it away without a faucet or SHOWER nearby.
Well, I'm off to do some cookie baking and make a run to Home Depot for Tom. Oh...and I need to squeeze in about 2 more hours of work somewhere. I'm doing a kids' event in the morning for work, then gearing up for a playdate at our house that has become quite large. We're expecting between 12 and 20 children from 2 to 5 PM. We're going to have so much fun!!!
Until Next Time,