Friday, August 15, 2008

We Have a Glasses Majority

They just don't come cuter than that, do they? Our Harrison's glasses arrived today. We learned a few weeks ago that Harrison's right eye was not working as it should. Last week he saw our Pediatric Opthamologist, who ordered the glasses. Harrison will wear these for the next two weeks, then begin eye therapy with a patch. He'll most likely wear the patch for about a year.
That was a bit of sad news for Har, but he is such a good sport. Tonight we looked at patches online and he found one with flames. He thought that might be alright to wear. :)
After trying on his glasses, (in all seriousness) he said, "Mommy, you don't look like an impressionistic painting anymore. Now you look like a bobble head." Well. Surely it will take time for his eyes to adjust to the glasses! :)
Say a prayer for our little man. It's going to be a period of adjustment with the new look, new feel and new therapy. I'm thankful that he's such a cool kid about things like that. Even when he was frustrated because the chart with letters just looked like a white screen to him, he was a good sport. He looked at the doctor and said, "Well, it's okay if I can't see out of this eye. At least I have the other one." May we all be that optimistic.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fly Me to the Moon

The summer has flown by. We had such grand plans of accomplishing great things, but alas we'll have to save greatness for another summer.

To make up for lost opportunities, we filled the week before school with lots of fun things. We had a few mishaps along the way, but overall it was a fun week.

Monday: trip to the library & fall clothes shopping
What really happened: trip to the pediatrician

Tuesday: trip to Wave Country
What really happened: a flat tire on the way and a trip to the repair shop for two new tires

Wednesday: friends over to play

Thursday: trip to the zoo & a cookout by the lake
What really happened: a trip to wave country and a trip to the ophthalmologist.
(Harrison will have glasses soon...and a patch...and six months to a year of eye therapy. We'll give updates and photos when the glasses arrive!)

Friday/Saturday: trip to The US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL
THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! We had lots of fun exploring the museum and outdoor activities. The kids also enjoyed bumper cars, go-carts and some amusement rides while we were in Huntsville. It was a nice time!

So, that should catch you up on Hoffman Happenings for last week. More to come soon!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

We're Not Superstitious

Well, Tom and I recently celebrated 13 years of marriage! To celebrate, we took our kids to lunch at Buca Di Beppo. (We love Italian food in large portions.) And, Charissa made us an anniversary cake (from scratch!). We're spoiled.

Upon returning home, Tom injured his knee in a bike riding lesson gone wrong. So we decided to continue celebrating by kicking up the legs and relaxing. As it turns out, Harrison was under the weather. So, before bed, we gave him some children's Tylenol. This particular bottle had some dye that appears to have made him very AWAKE. He was up till about midnight. So much for romance!

We still had fun. It's been a great 13 years.